President Mrs. Vedia Bülent (Önsü) Çorak Giving her 2012 Opening Speech



Esteemed Guests, Our Dearest Friends;

This evening we are Gathered here to place another Brick on the Strong Foundations of the World of tomorrow together with our Universal Friends who have joined us from Many Countries of our World to Celebrate the 18th Anniversary of our Universal Call. Welcome to You all; You have Honored us.

The year 2012, awaited with great wonder by the Whole World, is now almost Through and behind us. In 2012, which the Entire Humanity was waiting for in Fear, no Major Changes have occurred in the Natural structure of our World so far. However, the Living Conditions of Humanity were much Challenged and Life Conditions have changed greatly.

The Celestial Hierarchy had Relayed these days to us as Resurrection through the Sacred Books centuries ago. Yes, although Many People do not accept this Terminology, at This moment our Planet is experiencing its Resurrection.

The events being experienced are a Chain of Causes Preparing human beings for the morrows. At this moment, many undesired Negativities are being lived through in all Parts of our Planet. However, what is not Known is that, through the Chaos experienced wherever these negativities are Exhibited, the very Foundations of the perfections of the morrows are being laid.

Each Being that is Transferred to the World has a Duty according to his/her Evolution and Spiritual Culture. In fact, the Human Being comes to the World to Complete his/her Evolution by Attaining Much Experience. The events that we experience are Whips that Accelerate Our Evolutions.

On the path of Evolution, the File of the human being is always the human being. The Human Beings are tested with Human Beings. Our World is a Universal school. All tests are taken in this school. What is currently being experienced will be experienced, No one can prevent this.

However, what is desired in this Final Age is for humanity not to Remain on the axis of Their Own Individual Views but to spread their Wings to the morrows with a Collective Consciousness. In this Difficult Period being experienced, humanity is henceforth Obliged to place the Mind in the Forefront before Love, on their Tableau of Life.

For, the Condition our World is in is Not Reassuring at all. Every day that goes by, the Conditions become more Challenging. This is not Something to Fear, since Challenges Render the human being stronger still. I Believe I have thus far painted a pessimistic picture.

However, believe me, the morrows are not the Frightful Pictures the Consciousnesses that do not Know the Truth Paint them to be. Therefore We are Very much at Peace. For human beings to be successful at the task they carry out, it is Imperative that they Possess first Faith, then Consciousness, and Then Responsibility.

Faith is a life potential of the human being of the World. Success always comes through Faith and Belief. The Faith and Belief of Atatürk and his Companions have Brought into being and Sustained the Republic on the LAND that we live upon Today.

And We will continue to sustain this legacy. The Victories are within the morrows. At this moment We are collectively sharing the World Brotherhood Consciousness with our Brothers and Sisters coming from Every Country of the World and tread with Firm steps towards the morrows. Time is the mirror of the Truth. It will be Awaited and it will be Seen.

My Regards and Love.



President Mrs. Vedia Bülent (Önsü) Çorak Giving her 2012 Opening Speech

The Panelists of 2012

The Award Winners of 2012